Motmot Blog

Shutter Wide Angle featured in Popular Science

Fun is the theme of the Summer edition of Popular Science magazine. Inside the summer edition you will find science related articles about: skateboards, pinewood derby, backyard sports, programming video games, robots, dune buggies, dolls, laughter, surfing, bowling balls, and most importantly yo-yos!
What’s really great is that the article is about modern competitive yo-yos, not and while the article itself is kind of short, the two-page spread features some pretty snazzy YoyoFactory Wide Angle Shutters!
It’s nice to see modern yo-yoing get some coverage from such a long-running (almost 150 years!) and prestigious magazine.
And Popular Science is giving their summer issue away for free! You can get a digital copy here:

Of course we all know that the Wide-Angle Shutter (or the Wangle) is the signature model of world yoyo champ Gentry Stein.
And hey! What a coincidence! You can get a Shutter Wide Angle at the Motmot Shop!