Yoyos and T-shirts

Genpop by YoyoFactory

Genpop by YoyoFactory


The GENPOP moves like a butterfly and stings like a bee; it’s a big yoyo, that plays light and nimble. It’s made out of 7068 aluminium and is a dream to play. I usually avoid comparisons but it plays like a smoothed out EDGE Ultimatum without the sharp edges. Your newest favorite yoyo!

€54 (with 20% vat included) €45 vat excluded)
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Diameter: 57.87 mm
Width: 51.36 mm
Gap Width: 4.50 mm
Weight: 65.67 grams
Bearing Size: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187)
Response: "Slim Pad" Size 19mm OD
Material: Aluminum 7068
Designed in: US
Released: March 2024

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