Yoyos and T-shirts

iYoyo Slackies Yoyo String

iYoyo Slackies Yoyo String

from €2.50

iYoyo Slackies are high performance strings, they’re long lasting and keep their tension, great for slack tricks.
Slickies offer a bit more resistance than most strings and offer a high degree of control, and are great against sweaty hands, perfect for competition!
Slackies are available in yellow and white swirl.
Available in packs of 10 and 50.

50 Pack: €13.20 (with 20% vat included) €11 vat excluded)
10 Pack: € 3,00 (with 20% vat included) €2,50 vat excluded)Your final price may vary, VAT will be collected at checkout.

Shipping information & est. delivery times.

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