Yoyo Bearings

Yoyo Bearings
Is your old yoyo feeling crunchy? No matter how much you clean the bearing it still feels funky? Did you drop your bearing in the sand at the beach, and there’s no hope? It’s time to up your yoyo game with a new bearing, and customize your yoyo to how you like it!
These bearings are all stainless steel and are size C and fit most modern yo-yos. The CT, Grooved, and V shaped bearings are shielded and from our friends at Vosun.
Center Trac: The industry standard in yo-yo bearings, 8 ball: € 7.50
Grooved: A “V” shaped bearing with a groove in the alley, for extra stability, 10 ball: € 7.50
Concave: Concave shaped, unshielded, 10 ball: € 5
V: V Shaped bearing for better stability, 10 ball: € 7.50
€7.50 (price with 20% vat included, €6.25 vat excluded)
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